The PPSR is currently experiencing technical difficulties affecting some B2G users.
We are working to resolve the issue and apologise for any inconvenience.
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The steps in the process are:
This search option allows users to identify registrations that exist against a specific item of serial-numbered personal property.
Four categories of collateral class may be searched by serial number:
Please see the relevant collateral class in the Glossary for the correct serial number identifier type.
Use of the PPSR is subject to the PPS Register General Conditions of Use, applicable Third Party Data Conditions (for example NEVDIS data conditions) and the appropriate fees.
This is the serial number search type chosen.
For further information, please see Glossary - watercraft, HIN, official number and serial number.
An official number is a 6 digit serial number issued by the Australian Shipping Registration Office to Australian registered ships.
When searching on an official number enter the number following the 'ON' prefix (do not enter 'ON') and include any leading zeros to make the full 6 digit serial number.
Please check the serial number before proceeding with your request.
A HIN is a unique 14 character alphanumeric identifier for a watercraft, usually allocated by a registration authority of a state or territory.
The PPSR ignores your use of upper/lower case and any dashes and spaces.
Additional watercraft information such as make, model and colour are not available from the PPSR and will not be returned as part of a search.
Where the watercraft has an outboard motor they are not described by serial number.
Note: Some migrated registrations from Queensland for outboard motors were described by serial number, and where this is the case, it appears as a HIN.
The Client billing reference is a maximum of 40 characters including spaces.